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Wind News

Govt aims to stimulate renewables investment with R9bn in tax incentives, reworked bounce-back scheme  

By: Terence Creamer     22nd February 2023 South Africa’s 2023 Budget includes tax incentives worth R9-billion to support businesses and households invest in renewable energy, including rooftop solar, in a bid to offset the impact of intensifying power cuts. In addition, the National Treasury announced that it would amend the bounce-back... 

Sasol, Air Liquide procure another 260 MW of renewables, raising Sasol’s procurement to 550 MW 

By: Terence Creamer     21st February 2023 Sasol CEO Fleetwood Grobler announced on Tuesday that the JSE-listed group had signed a total of five power purchase agreements (PPAs) in South Africa to date, increasing the company’s procurement of renewable energy for its South African operations to 550 MW. He added that further agreements... 

The 260 MW of renewable electricity will be used to help decarbonise Sasol's Secunda complex (pictured)
The 260 MW of renewable electricity will be used to help decarbonise Sasol's Secunda complex (pictured)

Cities scramble to keep the lights on

By: Reuters     21st February 2023 Reeling from South Africa's worst-ever electricity crisis, local authorities across the country are turning to private suppliers to help businesses and households keep the lights on. President Cyril Ramaphosa has declared a state of disaster over the energy crunch, which is seen wiping as much as... 

Solar panels being installed

Umoya Energy paints wind turbine blades to protect birds

By: Schalk Burger     20th February 2023 The Umoya Energy Wind Farm situated on the West Coast, in the Western Cape, has painted the blades of its wind turbines as a mitigation measure to conserve avifauna. Blade painting entails the painting of one of the three blades on a wind turbine black or red. The effect of the single painted... 

A painted wind turbine at the Umoya Energy Wind Farm
A painted wind turbine at the Umoya Energy Wind Farm

Civil society organisations petition African leaders to reject gas energy strategy

By: Darren Parker     17th February 2023 With the thirty-sixth Ordinary Session of the African Union (AU) Assembly of Heads of State being held in Ethiopia over the weekend of February 18 and 19, civil society organisations (CSOs) have called for the AU to play a more ambitious role in creating a fossil fuel-free energy future in... 

Private equity fund launched to replace R12bn Section 12J tax incentive

By: Donna Slater     14th February 2023 The Twelve B Green Energy Fund – South Africa’s first private equity fund enabling green energy investors to qualify for South African Revenue Service-approved tax deductions – was launched on February 14. The fund, regulated by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority, has a mandate to invest in... 

Solar PV panels

Can adding rooftop solar really move the loadshedding needle?  

By: Terence Creamer     14th February 2023 President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement that incentives will be introduced to help facilitate solar investments by businesses and households was arguably the high point of a State of the Nation Address, where the declaration of a state of disaster and the appointment of an Electricity Minister... 

Installing rooftop solar

SAWEA applauds appointment of Electricity Minister

By: Donna Slater     13th February 2023 The South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) has voiced its support for President Cyril Ramaphosa’s leadership and firm commitment to fixing South Africa’s electricity crisis, as stated in his State of the Nation Address (SoNA) of February 9. Of significance, says SAWEA, is Ramaphosa’s... 

Can SA finally turn the switch on its power crisis in 2023?

By: Darren Parker     10th February 2023 Stage 4 to 6 loadshedding has become more commonplace over the past few months, with many analysts expecting it to continue and possibly worsen before South Africa’s energy crisis has abated.   Stage 6 has been the highest level of loadshedding introduced so far, although several economists have... 

Magazine cover image

Nordex continues to see opportunity in South Africa despite recent headwinds 

By: Terence Creamer     9th February 2023 European wind turbine original equipment manufacturer (OEM) Nordex says South Africa remains a key market despite the disappointment of the country’s most recent renewables bidding round when not a single wind project advanced to preferred-bidder status, owing to grid constraints in the Cape... 

Nordex Energy South Africa MD Compton Saunders
Nordex Energy South Africa MD Compton Saunders

Seriti Green comes in for praise during Eskom, Minerals Council fireside chat 

By: Martin Creamer     7th February 2023 The coal-to-renewables initiative of Seriti Green, the 91% black-owned and black-controlled Seriti Coal associate, came in for special praise at the interesting fireside chat between outgoing Eskom CEO André de Ruyter and outgoing Minerals Council South Africa CEO Roger Baxter on the second day... 

Outgoing Eskom CEO André de Ruyter and outgoing Minerals Council South Africa CEO Roger Baxter.
Photo by Creamer Media
Outgoing Eskom CEO André de Ruyter and outgoing Minerals Council South Africa CEO Roger Baxter.

Minerals Council stresses mining industry's role in mitigating climate change

By: Marleny Arnoldi     6th February 2023 In sharing its stance on climate change at the Investing in African Mining Indaba, in Cape Town, the Minerals Council South Africa has acknowledged that the mining industry can, and should, play a role in adapting to and mitigating the consequences of climate change in South Africa. This includes... 

Just energy transition good for South Africa but coal sector has to be involved

By: Rebecca Campbell     3rd February 2023 A Just Energy Transition (JET) was in the interests of South Africa, the World Bank has concluded. So reported World Bank senior energy economist Mariano Salto in a panel discussion at the Southern African Coal Conference, in Cape Town, on Friday. Renewable energy was the least-cost energy option... 

Plans unveiled to help deal with the electricity crisis  

3rd February 2023 Engineering News editor Terence Creamer discusses the National Energy Crisis Committee's planned initiatives for dealing with the country's electricity crisis; the proposed declaration of the energy crisis as a State of Disaster; Eskom's Generation Recovery Plan and the focus on getting units at... 

Photo of Terence Creamer
Plans unveiled to help deal with the electricity crisis

Omnia signs MoU with German energy group to explore green ammonia production 

By: Marleny Arnoldi     31st January 2023 Chemicals group Omnia has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with WKN Windcurrent, a subsidiary of German renewable energy group PNE, to explore the feasibility of developing a green ammonia production plant in South Africa. Omnia CEO Seelan Gobalsamy says ammonia is a key ingredient in... 

Omnia CEO Seelan Gobalsamy and PNE CEO Markus Lesser
Photo by Creamer Media's Marleny Arnoldi
Omnia CEO Seelan Gobalsamy and PNE CEO Markus Lesser

Dhesen Moodley to lead new SAWEA board

By: Creamer Media Reporter      31st January 2023 The South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) has announced its new board of governance, following its eleventh annual general meeting, held in Cape Town, on January 27. As the country accelerates its energy transition and pushes for energy security, the men and women who hold positions on... 

SAWEA chairperson Dhesen Moodley
SAWEA chairperson Dhesen Moodley

Kearney appoints energy sector veteran Reddy as equity partner

By: Donna Slater     26th January 2023 Management consulting firm Kearney has appointed energy specialist Prashaen Reddy as an equity partner. A business leader with over 13 years of experience in consulting, including six years focused on strategy and transformation in key sectors like energy, mining and chemicals, Reddy's... 

Image of energy specialist Prashaen Reddy
Energy specialist Prashaen Reddy

IPP Office to launch 513 MW battery storage auction soon 

By: Marleny Arnoldi     25th January 2023 The Independent Power Producer (IPP) Office has confirmed it will soon launch a bid window round for 513 MW of battery storage capacity and hopes to procure another 1 200 MW later this year. IPP Office head Bernard Magoro confirmed during a webinar hosted by Creamer Media and titled 'South... 

IPP Office head Bernard Magoro
IPP Office head Bernard Magoro

220 MW renewables supply contract signed for Secunda, more to follow 

By: Terence Creamer     24th January 2023 International renewables group Enel Green Power has been selected by Air Liquide and Sasol to build 220 MW of wind capacity to supply Sasol’s Secunda complex, in Mpumalanga, where Sasol produces synthetic fuels and chemicals and Air Liquide operates the biggest oxygen production site in the world... 

Enel Green Power already operates wind facilities in South Africa, procured under a public procurement programme
Enel Green Power already operates wind facilities in South Africa, procured under a public procurement programme

100 MW-plus projects registration expected by Q3

By: Tracy Hancock     20th January 2023 The South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA) expects private-sector projects exceeding the 100 MW threshold to be reflected on the National Energy Regulator of South Africa’s (Nersa’s) database from the second or third quarters of this year to further increase new generation... 

There remains untapped potential for much wider deployment of solar photovoltaic in South Africa, but its contribution to the local electricity mix is growing at a rapid rate
BETTING ON SOLAR There remains untapped potential for much wider deployment of solar photovoltaic in South Africa, but its contribution to the local electricity mix is growing at a rapid rate

Construction of third 140 MW EDF Renewables wind project begins 

By: Terence Creamer     19th January 2023 EDF Renewables in South Africa reports that construction of its third wind project selected during the much-delayed fifth bid window (BW5) of government’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) is under way after the 140 MW Coleskop project reached financial... 

EDF Renewables in South Africa CEO Tristan de Drouas
EDF Renewables in South Africa CEO Tristan de Drouas

Solidarity starts legal action against Nersa to remove private generation bottlenecks

By: Schalk Burger     19th January 2023 Trade union Solidarity has served legal papers on the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) to remove all bottlenecks standing in the way of private energy suppliers. Solidarity stresses that the future of energy in South Africa lies in less State and more private service delivery. 

Wind and solar power generation assets

Wind body wants independent assessment of grid constraints in Cape provinces after shovel-ready projects are frozen out  

By: Terence Creamer     18th January 2023 The South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) is hoping to convince Eskom to conduct an independent technoeconomic assessment of whether there is potential to extract more capacity from the constrained grid in the Cape provinces after none of the 23 wind projects that participated in the most... 

The Golden Valley Wind Farm built following an earlier public procurement process
The Golden Valley Wind Farm built following an earlier public procurement process

Industry bodies warn Germany that they need support to fulfil offshore wind power plans

By: Rebecca Campbell     17th January 2023 The VDMA, the largest association for machinery and equipment manufacturers in Europe, has joined other industry associations to warn European countries in general and Germany in particular that massive offshore wind power expansion projects need secure supply chains and skilled workforces if... 

Wind Industry Internship Programme doubles placements for 2023

By: Darren Parker     17th January 2023 The second Wind Industry Internship Programme (WIIP) will be doubling its placements this year, in addition to offering supplementary work readiness training for the first time. The programme supports the development of specialist skills that are needed to facilitate the exponential growth of the... 

Nxuba wind farm with RSA flag

Renewables industrialisation plan to be aligned to expected surge in private projects  

By: Terence Creamer     13th January 2023 The newly appointed facilitator of the South African Renewable Energy Masterplan (SAREM) expects a draft document to be completed by mid-2023 and for the final masterplan to be negotiated before year-end. Gaylor Montmasson-Clair has also indicated that the industrialisation plan will be adjusted... 

Gaylor Montmasson-Clair was appointed SAREM facilitator in December
Gaylor Montmasson-Clair was appointed SAREM facilitator in December

Climate change effects weighing heavier on African citizens – EIB

By: Donna Slater     20th December 2022 An Africa edition of the '2022 Climate Survey' conducted by the European Investment Bank (EIB) has found that 88% of African respondents believe climate change is already affecting their everyday life, while 61% believe that climate change and environmental damage have affected their income or... 

Progress being made under Operation Vulindlela

By: Schalk Burger     15th December 2022 The Presidency and the National Treasury on December 14 released a progress report on the implementation of economic reforms during the third quarter to mark two years since the establishment of Operation Vulindlela. Among the highlights were that six projects, totalling 784 MW, signed project... 

Stats SA considers adding self-generated power to data set

By: Bloomberg     14th December 2022 South Africa’s statistics agency is considering including self-generated power in its monthly electricity-generation data as more households and businesses reduce their reliance on State-owned utility Eskom. Adding the metric would broaden a key indicator used by economists to compile estimates... 

A rooftop solar PV installation

Diversification of critical minerals supply chain key to sustainability of energy transition – Pensana

By: Donna Slater     12th December 2022 The UK needs to establish independent, sustainable and resilient supply chains to diversify its sourcing of critical minerals and reduce dependence on such minerals being sourced from China, said UK Critical Minerals Intelligence Centre chairperson Paul Atherley, who is also chairperson of magnet... 

Plugging research gaps essential to understanding state of renewables employment

By: Tasneem Bulbulia     8th December 2022 A new report published by Trade and Industrial Policies Strategies (TIPS) has indicated that research gaps must be addressed to better establish employment numbers and characteristics, including the quality of jobs, in the venture capital firms supplying the renewable energy industries in South... 

Opportunities, challenges in local value chain for solar, wind energy

By: Tasneem Bulbulia     8th December 2022 Two new reports published by Trade and Industrial Policies Strategies (TIPS), relating to solar and wind energy respectively, point out that electricity market reform is likely to drive an increase in solar and wind energy projects across the country, which will, in turn, increase demand for... 

SAWEA expresses grave concern over grid-access rules as no wind project prevails under expanded bidding round  

By: Terence Creamer     8th December 2022 The South African Wind Energy Associations (SAWEA) has expressed dismay that none of the 23 wind-project bids submitted as part of government’s latest and expanded renewables procurement round were selected preferred bidders and expressed concern about the current system for allocating grid... 

Grid access emerges as hurdle to wind projects in South Africa
Grid access emerges as major hurdle to wind projects in South Africa

Another 13 solar projects sign agreements under delayed BW5  

By: Terence Creamer     8th December 2022 A further 13 solar photovoltaic (PV) projects have signed agreements with Eskom and government raising to 19 the number of projects that are now set to proceed under the much-delayed fifth bid window (BW5) of South Africa’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme... 

Members of the consortia that signed power purchase and implementation agreements with Eskom and government on December 8 pose for a group photo with Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantahse (front and centre)
IPP Office Head Bernard Magoro provides details of the 19 projects that have signed power purchase and implementation agreements following the much-delayed Bid Window Five procurement process. Camera Work & Editing: Shadwyn Dickinson

Only five solar projects advance to preferred-bidder status following latest renewables round   

By: Terence Creamer     8th December 2022 In a disappointing development, Minerals Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe has announced the appointment of only six preferred bidders, with a combined capacity of 1 000 MW, following the evaluation of bids made during South Africa’s latest renewables procurement round. All six are... 

Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe at the IPP Office on December 8
IPP Office Head Bernard Magoro and Eskom Transmission MD Segomoco Scheepers explain the grid-access issues that prevented any of the wind projects in the Western, Eastern and Northern Cape provinces from advancing to preferred-bidder status during Bid Window Six. Camera Work & Editing: Shadwyn Dickinson

Timing of new jobs, skills development a just energy transition concern

By: Schalk Burger     8th December 2022 A just energy transition to a low-carbon economy in South Africa is expected to result in the loss of about 300 000 jobs, but the creation of about 815 000 new jobs up to 2050. It is also expected to improve the country's competitiveness and drive growth higher by about 2.3% a year, World Bank... 

A photo of solar panels, wind turbines and hydrogen installations

SSC to build massive wind farm, green hydrogen production plant

By: Marleny Arnoldi     7th December 2022 Diversified minerals and investment group Siyakhula Sonke Empowerment Corporation (SSC Group) has confirmed it is in pre-feasibility stage and finalising an environment risk assessment on a 117 MW wind farm project, which will power a 69 MW electrolysis production plant, in Jeffreys Bay, in the... 

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